Born in Georgia, Caroline Walker is an accomplished writer who has translated some of her novels for the American market. Her latest novel, A Bride For Sale, has been receiving rave reviews from both readers and critics alike. In this novel, Walker takes the reader inside the mind of a wife who may be nearing the end of her life, but who refuses to let the end come. As she attempts to sell her husband the estate that will allow her to be buried beside her husband upon his death, the tensions between the two rise to new heights. As the plot progresses, the reader finds themselves rooting for the woman, rather than the man, and it becomes clear that this is no simple love story, but a novel about the perils that can lie in store for a woman as she ages.
The plot of A Bride For Sale follows the marital difficulties of two strong, committed individuals โ a Southern belle who is more interested in buying her own fortune than sharing her husbandโs legacy, and a Northern Bohemian who are less interested in settling down into an old style of Americana. But when the husband of the deceased tries to steal the inheritance the wife so desperately needs, their partnership is extinguished. As the couples into old age, each tries to hold onto the one who is still young and alive within their hearts, while also recognizing that the other will soon move on. This is a roller coaster that are both exciting and heart-wrenching, and itโs a true tale of two people who were meant to be together beyond their years. It is a story that is a true depiction of what it means to be in love, and it takes you on a journey through time and space as the couple journeyed toward marriage.
This book is a very positive and uplifting read, because it talks about the benefits of looking after yourself in order to avoid the dangers that can come along with getting older, and it gives plenty of advice on how to remain compatible with those of like nationality and culture. This book teaches you how to avoid getting trapped in a rut in your life by keeping your personal, spiritual, and physical interests separate, and by making sure that you always have a passion and purpose for your life. It gives you a beautiful view of what it means to be human, and it reminds you that if you do your best now, you will have time to enjoy it later.