Age Of Mythology by Sofia Paiva – A Book Review


Bulgaria’s leading artist, Sofia Paiva has been receiving praises for her breathtaking portrayal of womanhood in her new collection of sculptures entitled “The Age of Mythology”. The collection consists of 22 works that span various period of time in history, depicting ancient Greek gods and goddesses as well as human figures from various cultures around the world. This artistic masterpiece stands proudly on a shelf awaiting appreciation from art lovers around the world. Each of the sculptural pieces is made of original clay and each bears a unique facial expression, conveying her deep emotional character and personality. This is not your run-of-the-mill women’s tattoo parlor “average woman” piece, but an original, totally original, gorgeous and detailed artwork that speaks volumes with its beautiful details, colors and unique style.

If we were to compare the style and uniqueness of the Sofia Paiva to any other artist, the comparisons would be endless. Unlike many female artists who seem content to produce cookie-cutter type of tattoos, the Sofia Paiva displays a talent for creating original characters, setting them in flowing fabrics and making them stand out. For example, one particular piece in this collection, entitled as The Age of Mythology, portrays the goddess Nike (or Nike Regalia) standing over an ancient Roman army with her soldiers waiting in ambush. The background is intricately decorated with various motifs that display the rich culture and traditions of ancient Rome and Greece. Another example would be The Conhecimento Dom N io, a stunning depiction of a nymph and the sea god Neptune resting on a palm tree, looking over the city of Verona with serenity.

The Age of Mythology by Sofia Paiva is definitely not your run-of-the-mill “girl tattoo” that you see so much in the parlor, and this subcompeticion of her body art has garnered the admiration and respect of many other tattoo enthusiasts around the world. As mentioned earlier, The Age of Mythology by Sofia Paiva is a marvelous collection that will take you on a voyage of discovery deep into the world of mythological imagery, and it will do so wonderfully. It will also take you to places that are too often left out of the realm of pop culture, and into the world that we barely know or understand today. If you love adventure, fantasy, science fiction, or just good old fashioned creativity, then this book will have your attention for days to come!
