Age of Aquarius – nationality, height, and Tarot


The founder and artist of the award winning visual arts company Dana Berzak has been acclaimed for his unique sense of humor and artistic vision. He created the Age of Aquarius, a series of installations that showcased his unique sense of color, light, and form. It’s no wonder Age of Aquarius was named one of the top ten selections in the 2021 Academy Awards. But what is so special about the Age of Aquarius? Is it really any different than Berzak’s other past projects?

Simply put, while the visual and performing arts may be diversified, the subject matter remains focused on the earth and the earthly plane. This is particularly evident in the “Tarot” series, which focuses on everyday objects as divining rods and as talismans of sorts. Similarly, when examining the Age of Aquarius, one must understand that much of the focus is centered on the relationship between nationality and height.

Indeed, when viewing the series, one quickly notices the references to height as a physical trait. While there are several short items throughout the series, most of the focus is directed towards height as a sign of nationhood. The Tarot deck that Dana Berzak uses for the series utilizes many of the traditional elements of tarot, such as the swords, wands, and crosses, along with the ever-popular “Aquarius” card. One can’t help but notice the connections between nationality and height as the various scenes are presented from a few different angles. Ultimately, the Age of Aquarius is an artist’s statement of how human race relates itself to nature and to each other.
