Age is Not on Your Side – A Story About Sandra Debelak


Sandra Debelak, a 37-year-old widow and mother of two, has an unusual job: She is an aging telesales executive for a national company. The company’s senior management actually recommended her for the position because she possessed several qualities not common among the younger salespeople. Though she is a highly talented person with perfect pitch and a boundless enthusiasm for helping people, these were not enough for this African American woman to succeed as their marketing manager.

Age is not on Sandra’s side. Her birthday is coming up, and even though she has not yet reached the ideal height for her chronological age, her doctor predicted that her bones would fail her at the age of 67. In order to make ends meet as a single parent, Sandra must sell a product that will be marketed by her son, now 18, who is committed to his college education. With limited funds and no sales experience, she must use her own considerable physical talent to attract business, and do so while juggling her burgeoning romance with her much younger, but less endowed, husband.

As a result of her unusual position, Sandra is faced with a number of challenges. Aside from age and failing health, she must also deal with her husband’s infidelity, as well as balancing her career, her love life, and her declining health. Her loyalty to her now ex-employer may be questioned, as he could easily see her as nothing more than a money grubbing machine, but as her friend, she must try to maintain a professional facade in spite of her personal deficiencies. To top off the drama, Sandra is constantly battling the confines of her height, as her appearance is constantly being held back by medical appointments. This, coupled with the often dangerous environment in which she works, adds an otherwise unnecessary level of tension to Sandra Debelak’s personal and professional life.
