Age Gap in Love


Kalina Ann is a Thai National, whose real name is Vinni Ann. Born in Laos, Kalina Ann was a childhood victim of violence that left her with physical and mental scars that have been affecting her for decades. Vinni Ann did marry a man who failed to support her family, which in turn left her widowed as a young woman, which then prompted her to seek an academic scholarship in order to get her education. Following this, she pursued various careers such as being a teacher but found herself falling in love with Thai National treasure, Ramchalabak Manor, who at the time was serving as Thailand’s National Treasure.

However, despite her passion for the Thai culture and her love for her Thai National, Vinni Ann fell in love with another man, later to become Partner #1. However, the Thai government discovered that Vinni Ann had been married before she was legally defined as a citizen of their country. To avoid further complications, they had her register as a male at the Royal Thai Immigration Police Station in Bangkok. As a result of this, Kalina Ann was given a new identity in 2021, which led her new path in life: Partner Number Two.

As Kalina Ann started a new life in Thailand, she realized she still had feelings for her true love, which resulted in her remarrying again. Even though her marriage was performed in a foreign land, the couple remained true to each other and welcomed a child into the world. Today, Kalina Ann lives in Phuket, Thailand, with her two children. She now realizes that age should not be a barrier in love, and that the age gap is no longer a hindrance in a successful marriage for a woman, as long as one is truly sincere about his or her goals and ambitions for the future. In fact, many people around the world have overcome gender gaps due to age, and there is no reason why shouldn’t you be able to do the same.
