Age Difference Rises After Juliana Ramires Birth


The news about Juliana Ramirez, the star of the television programme Extreme Makeover Home Edition, is full of controversy and controversies. First, the programme’s executive producer, Scott Lewis, admitted that he had a gay affair with Ms Ramirez while she was supposed to be filming the show. Then, when news broke that Ms Ramriz was actually born as Lola Lee, a Puerto Rican, in New York, despite being born in Cuba, the producer said that the height difference (taller than 6 feet for an African American) did not exist. Then, when the show’s advertisers, Condeze Communications, pulled out of promoting the show, it was because of the controversy.

However, some experts believe that the real reason why this is being done by the producers of the show is because they are in the business of making money. When people look up profiles on people, the first things that they see are their height and weight, but this can give an entirely different picture of a person. When someone has a relatively short height or a big weight, it can cast them in a bad light. This is why many beauty advisers have encouraged people to post their pictures online, so that they can be used as possible points of reference by potential employers. This way, they can highlight their good features and minimize their bad features, if need be.

The question still remains, why is Juliana Ramirez a national celebrity? Is she a Puerto Rican national, or does she simply have an international address? Many people have speculated about these questions, but one thing is definite: the media is now treating her like a real person, instead of just another pretty face on a TV show. Now that she has been exposed as a national treasure, we can all hope that she turns out to be the next Mrs Jones, rather than the next outgoing model who don’t really have a lot going for her.
