Age Difference or Fake Age?


In recent times there has been much talk about Ms. Clare Chan, with speculation that she is in a relationship with Russian businessman Valerian Yarovskiy, with whom she is said to be close. Ms. Chan has denied this however, saying on Twitter, “I’m not dating a man named Yarovskiy. I met him in Russia. We are both happily married and have children together.”

She is currently under investigation by the British police for suspicion of money laundering and is believed to be the subject of a Russian spy ring. However, there are many people who are sceptical about this and believe that it is another case of internet hoax. Mr. Yarovskiy is reported to be a member of the Russian business organisation “Fezen”, which is widely known as a vehicle of Russian intelligence and also has links to criminal and arms industry elements. There is evidence that he has traveled to Dubai and Singapore in recent times on business and is thought to have connections there. If Ms. Chan is being investigated for having an illicit relationship with a Russian national, it is interesting to note that one of her former photographs featured a man named Yuri Verkhoshansky.

The question of the real age of Ms. Chan and whether she is in a relationship with a Russian national will remain unanswered until she provides concrete proof. This could possibly happen through public records. One thing is for sure, there are plenty of tall Russian men in the world today who do not look 25 years old. One suggestion is that she is using the short height difference to hide her true age, possibly accomplishing online dating, and therefore keeping her Russian secret for as long as possible. It is also possible that she is simply a woman looking to improve her looks by removing her baby fat laden eyes, high forehead and round cheeks, therefore creating an illusion of a younger face.
