Age Difference Means All Difference in the World to Ani Gogoladze and Aida Talavera


The question which now haunts the heads of many people who did not manage to impress their Ani Gogoladze during his first meeting is – will he still manage to woo Aida Talavera? After all, both of them were at different times in their relationship and Aida was already a married woman. Will Ani be able to woo another woman with the help of his Russian wife’s experience? Will he be able to woo someone who has already crossed the age limit as per the marriage laws of Russia?

There are several interesting points on which Ani Gogoladze and Aida Talavera differ. It is interesting to note that Aida is more ‘traditional’ in her approach while Ani has a completely different point of view. However, it is interesting to see where Ani stands considering the fact that he is a tall divorced man while Aida is a divorced woman with a lot of time on her hands.

When it comes to age gap, it is interesting to see Ani as the younger partner when it comes to grooming and heightening their relationship. At the same time, there is the possibility that he might be the older partner when it comes to his profession and the legal age which separate men from women in this profession. Ani has always maintained that he is neither a boy nor a girl but a man and it is in this aspect where he differs considerably from Ani Gogoladze. In any case, both of them are well aware of the differences which exist between them. This is what makes their relationship interesting.
