Age Difference Can Cause Problems In A Marriage


Fernanda Feher has been in the international spotlight due to the recent case involving her husband, Massimiliano Feher, who is the founder of a management consultancy firm in Milan. Fernanda is thirty-three years old, with an American husband and two teenage children, born in Germany. She worked as an attorney in the American department of justice for eight years and became interested in social work. She graduated from a university in Munich in 2021 and started her practice there, specializing in human rights and family law. This specialization was chosen because it allowed her to serve a wide variety of people from different nationalities and cultures.

During the last year or so, Fernanda has started working as an assistant for a family law firm in Milan. At this time, she met Massimiliano, a German national, through an internet dating agency. He had moved to Italy a few years before and was searching for a true partner to marry. After going through a series of tests and interviews, the two began a relationship, and it did not take long for Fernanda to accept the marriage proposal that her husband offered.

However, during the last few days, things changed. According to the press reports, Fernanda had seen her former best friend and assistant at the institute where they were keeping in touch through email and saw her acting strangely, as if in a stage performance. She then confronted her husband about the affair, but he denied all knowledge of it, saying that his best friend is a female. Fernanda is convinced that she had seen her old friend to perform oral sex on her husband, without his knowledge. This has caused the age difference between the two to become bigger, which may affect their chances of having a successful marriage.
