Age Difference Can Be a Deal Breaker For Marriage in Dubai


Yasmin Ch. was born in Kuwait, grew up there and became a US Citizen and then went on to serve in the Marines in Vietnam. She is a tall thin woman with dark hair and blue eyes. Her Nationality is Kuwaiti and she has said that her birth country was very important to her growing up as she felt very identified and connected to her birth country. It was such a big deal to her to become a US Citizen and then a US Marine Corporal.

Yasmin Ch. married a guy in the military and then worked as a translator for the US government. She met a great American guy and they have been together now for almost 10 years. Recently they decided to get married again and have adopted a child. They are both proud of their role in ending up in this position and now feel very blessed and fortunate. Both of them have very high moral standards and are committed to make this country strong and free.

Yasmin Ch. is a great lady and very caring and kind person. This is why people find her likable and trustworthy by just talking to her. Her height is definitely a plus point but not as important as her personality and intelligence. People find her attractive and a great person to be with as she does have great height which she uses in her career.
