Age Defying Female Nationality


Emma Lou was an employee of Universal Studios, who was in charge of marketing height reduction programs for the older crowd at Universal Studios. Height reduction is something that is very important to people who are short. Emma spent her days convincing adults that they need to try these programs. She believed in promoting weight loss programs in an effort to increase customer loyalty and sales at Universal studios. As a result she earned over twenty thousand dollars a year.

Emma Lou had been doing her job for quite some time before she decided to apply for the job as an intern at Universal studios. She had been promoted several times since she turned sixteen and had always received good reviews from her previous supervisors. It was one of her supervisors that suggested that she get into modeling in order to increase her chances of getting a job as a boxing promoter in the future. Emma Lou’s net worth is estimated at over twenty million dollars according to some reports. She is married and has two children. Her parents are divorced; her father worked as a successful stock trader while her mother was a successful homemaker.

She began working out at Universal studios gym in Los Angeles after several of her female colleagues were hired as trainers by Burt Reynolds. Burt was an extremely popular trainer at the time and many of his old college classmates had begun training there also. Emma Lou met Burt and they became very good friends. Burt knew that Emma Lou was a talented actress and he thought it would be a good idea for her to do some modeling for him in order to increase her chances of getting a career in the acting industry. She met several other famous people in the ring such as Joe Frazier, Evander Holyfield, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Carl Lewis and Carol Rose.
