Age and Nationality Neither Hurts a Professional Tennis Player Like Valentina Stokovac


Valentina Stokovac is a professional tennis player, who currently represents Croatian team KB Hiocare. Like many of the other Croatian tennis players, Valentina Stokovac has spent some time playing both the singles and doubles game. In her most recent engagement, Stokovac became the first woman to win a Grand Slam title in her native country. If she continues to excel in her career as a professional player, it will be quite a feat for any female athlete to surpass.

There are a number of commonalities between Stokovac and the other Croatian players who have achieved considerable success in their sports careers and marriages. First, both women often play an important role in the national team that they represent. Croatia is not a soccer nation per se, but the two soccer players certainly made a mark on the sport in their home countries and their influence has spread over the rest of the world. As a result, the Croatian flag is adorned by both players during their matches. Age and nationality do not serve as barriers to successful and fulfilling relationships as they once did.

Age and nationality do not seem to be a factor in Stokovac’s recent marriage to an Italian man. According to Stokovac, the reasons for her decision to tie the knot with her husband were entirely personal. “I never considered age or nationality a barrier,” Stokovac said. “I love what I am doing now, and that was my main focus in terms of my wedding. It just didn’t matter to me whether my partner was a certain age or nationality. I am a happy woman and husband. I am proud of both of our new found love.”
