Age and Nationality Don’t Matter – Why Paola Sells Was a Great Entrepreneur


If you are interested in finding out the truth about Paola Sells and her achievements as an entrepreneur, then read this article. It covers all the basics that one would expect from a resume. It gives information on how Paola developed her name as a business giant in the clothing industry and her views on nationality, race, gender and even age. Her views on these are extremely intriguing, especially if you consider the fact that she used to be the nanny of her two sisters.

The interesting thing about Paola’s name is that it was given by her mother as a nickname that became Paola herself. As such, her biological mother was a Dutch national, but according to some sources, she was born in Barbados and brought to the United States after her marriage to John Seward. In the United States, she changed her name to Paola Sells and after that, ventured into the clothing industry in New York.

The very interesting thing about Paola Sells’ career is that she never pursued any of her entrepreneurial dreams but pursued instead a path that would help her achieve more. She married a wealthy American man, but refused to let his wealth dictate her professional or personal life. She worked hard for her position as soprano or mistress to her first husband, and later helped him establish his own clothing line in partnership with another man. As is the case with many successful businesswomen today, she made use of her position to help other women. After her marriage to Seward, she opened her own clothing line in partnership with another prominent man.
