Age and Nationality – Does it Differ?


Born in Scarborough, she has blonde hair, brown eyes, and a nice, athletic build. She has been described as “built like a brick shaker” by her husband. She is described as athletic, with a strong personality, and loves to tell jokes. She is married to Alastair Sadow, who is described as an exciting Canadian hockey player for the Niagara Falls Predators of the National Hockey League.

Website: Websites do exist that specialize in dating for Caroline Cameron. One dating site, she is a featured guest on is “Active Rain”. Other websites which feature Cameron and other members include “Cute chicks Online”, “My Love Life Dating”, and “Hooked On Dating”. She also does occasional photography and video interviews on various topics regarding love, dating, beauty, and the internet.

Height and Partner: This information is not shared publicly, and the exact length of time since first meeting is unknown. It is, however, known that Cameron was a professional skater prior to becoming engaged. She has been said to be average in height for someone her height. Her partner is 6 feet, though sources dispute this, stating that it may simply be due to the fact that she wears boots that are slightly bigger than usual.
