Age and Nationality Do Affect Your Career Opportunities


Most notable public figures from the Dominican Republic are those who have attained considerable height such as former President Luis Leon Puergen and First Lady Rosalind Helderman. Another notable woman in this country, though not necessarily a public figure, is Luisa Raigosa. She is an actress and model, known for her tall and thin figure that made her a sought after beauty in the 1970s. Raigosa has said that her greatest asset is her height, noting that it has enabled her to be able to achieve many things in her life, from a first lady role in the Dominican Republic to being an actor and singer.

At present, she is married to Jose Maran, the husband of actress Camila Salazar, with whom she has two children. Raigosa’s own height and physique were inherited by her parents when she was a small child, though it is not clear as to why she was given this name. It is possible that her parents thought they would name her after her maternal grandfather, who was also a well-known tall man, though this is highly unlikely. Regardless, Raigosa is still very proud of her height, insisting that she is happy with her choice of profession and nationality (Dominican Republic) even if it does leave some people wondering about her height.

Raigosa’s great passion is dancing, and she has set many records during her dancing career. However, her height does occasionally catch the attention of the press, with some reporters commenting that she could be a danger to younger viewers since she moves too quickly for their tastes. Nonetheless, Raigosa has remained determined to pursue her goals in both her personal and professional lives. She says that being shorter than other models “has its own advantages” since it enables her to “speak” more and be a more expressive person. It also permits her to appreciate the finer things in life, such as “being loved.”
