Age and Nationality


Age and Nationality. The relationship between Isabel Cremades and her partner Paco Paz is a typical one; they met when both were 15 years old and Paco was already married. As the oldest of seven children, Paco had already developed a sense of responsibility towards his wife; this made him take responsibility over their education, which he needed to start when he turned fifteen. Despite being the breadwinner, Paco always made sure that Isabel took part in his household chores; this included cooking, cleaning, preparing meals and ensuring that Paco was present at every mealtime.

It was then that Paco became aware that he might not have his way of raising his children: his wife was having problems at home, and Paco became very protective of his mother. He went as far as threatening to leave his wife if she did not agree to allow him and his mother go to an away day together. When their disagreement reached a point where Pacoโ€™s father brought his wife to live with them, Pacoโ€™s stubbornness and attitude made it clear that he would leave his wife if given the opportunity to do so. He refused to acknowledge his paternity; as a result, his parents divorced him. He then continued on his path of becoming a failure, not living up to his fatherโ€™s expectations.

This ended up changing his opinion about marriage; it was then that he decided to marry Elodia who happened to be the younger sister of Paco and his former wife. When asked why he did not marry her just before his marriage to Paco, Cremades answered that he loved Elodia more and that their relationship was stronger than any other relationship he had been in. In order to keep Paco from running away from them, Cremades proposed to Elodia, stating that it was his belief that love and commitment to make a successful marriage. Paco was hesitant at first but upon hearing Elodiaโ€™s answer, agreed to marry her, making their marriage official.
