Age and Nationality


The Nationality: Angelica Betancourt is a famous French actress who once appeared in over forty films. Her Nationality was originally British and she often changed her name to prevent any confusion during filmography. However, after some time playing different characters, she appeared in movies with an American character and once even went by her birth name. This is the most common of explanations for her changing her name but it could also have something to do with her never being a National.

Height: In the United States Angelica is known as Angelice whereas in France she is called Angelie. We cannot say for sure whether the name change was intended or not but the actors’ height is similar and at least we know that Angelice Betancourt has not been in a relationship with a taller man before. Some people believe that Angelice was given this name because she is a brunette while her real father is white and her mother is Italian. Other theories claim that Angelice is not really blonde but considers herself so because her father was of the dark race.

Partner: In some profiles it says that Angelica is dating Brad Pitt and some sources mention her and George Clooney but no pictures are shown. There is another case where Angelica is said to be dating James Bond. In the second case her real name is Pamela Anderson and she goes by Pamela Anderson in real life. George Clooney is thirty years old, while Angelica is in her sixties.
