Age And Height – The Inspiration For A Passionate Blogger


Age and Height: Mr. Casey Clapp is known for his height of 6′ 4″ and he has never had to shave or wax since he was a teen. In fact, he says that it is the commitment to excellence and to doing the best job that has always kept him motivated. This is especially important with partners who have different physical limitations and who may not be comfortable with heights as an issue.

Partner Race: Mr. Clapp is half white and half black and he describes his partner as “an Indian”. He grew up in segregated southern Louisiana and his early years included his parents being lovers of jazz, blues and African music. Today he strives to bring together all races in order to make his voice heard above the din of daily racial conflict. He is passionate about social justice and making sure that everyone has a fair shot in life. This is evident in his passion for his profession and in the messages he chooses to share through his speaking engagements and through his work as a writer.

Career: Mr. Clapp is currently pursuing a degree in education but he has always wanted to be a teacher and he hopes to use his gift of presentation to help create better relationships between students and educators. He would also like to see more focus on the development of gifted and talented kids so that they can go on to do their best in school and beyond. He wants his career to be the launching pad for people who have everything possible going for them but who find themselves at a height or weight problem that prevents them from reaching their full potential. He is determined to make a difference in the world and to help people realize that there are options beyond losing hope and turning to alcohol or drugs to forget about their dreams. Mr. Clapp sees his new venture as a way of helping to provide hope for people in search of a new path in their careers or in their love life.
