Age and Friendship


The most famous of all time, Valentina Carollo is also known as Carla Valenciano. The story behind this famous writer and publisher is that in her youth, she had an unhappy childhood and was scorned by her father for being too young to learn to read. Later in life, she developed a love for reading books which inspired her to create stories for children’s books and publish them, eventually becoming a writer and publisher. Despite being born and raised in two different nationalities, she has managed to write amazing stories about women who are likeliest of friends to almost every man who reads her books.

Age is always a decisive factor in defining relationships; but what may not be very obvious is that Valentina’s age (which is 97) plays a major role in her love life with her partner, Vincent Caputo. In fact, the very age of their marriage is what makes Vincent Caputo so smitten with this writer, despite the fact that he is seventy-five years old. The difference in the closeness of the relationship between Vincent Caputo and Valentina Carollo is their attitude toward the way age affects people. Although both understand that age is an important factor, there is no question that they complement each other because they are focused on love and friendship more than on marriage and the possibility of procreation.

Another interesting fact about Valentina Carollo and Vincent Caputo is the fact that the writer often quoted by her friend, journalist Paula Hermanny, is the same person whom Vincent Caputo calls his “literary girl.” In the words of Paula Hermanny, the writer says that she is “a woman who believes in love and friendship more than in sex.” This is a surprising quote in a book that proclaims itself to be centered on marriage and family; but it is true. In their marriage, Valercia and Vincent Caputo recognize that age is just a number, and that love is the answer that all age barriers are crumbling down.
