African American Fashion Trends of the 90s


African American women have been participating in African American fashion trends from the start of the hip hop culture and continue today. In the past, African American women’s clothing choices were limited by stereotypes such as the “chick” or the “Afro.” Today, the Afro has fallen out of favor in mainstream fashion yet continues to be a staple in many of the most popular urban styles of clothing. In this article we will explore some of the new trends that have come from the “New Black,” that is, African American women.

One of the most exciting trends to hit the streets and courts of America today is that of the new tapered jeans. These tapered jeans are similar to the bell bottom jeans of the 80s but have been adapted for today’s fashionable woman who takes pride in her hips and legs. This form of hip hop clothing has been around for a long time but only now is reaching the mainstream of African American fashion. In addition to the tapered style, hip-hop style and brightly colored accessories, you will also find a new generation of African American women who are creating their own personal style with African American fashion trends. This trend, called urban spreeds, is taking its place among the African American fashion trends of today and is making black women feel good about their bodies and looking good doing it.

One of the first African American fashion trends of the late 90s was the power suits and they were very popular in Los Angeles and the Bay Area in particular. African American women’s power suits featured long sleeve t-shirts and tight legged black pants that were reminiscent of the hip hop styles of the decade. This form of African American fashion trend was a response to the cultural lack of power and success in the black community. Power suits symbolize the frustration of being a black female in the stereotypical black community and the desire for some sort of representation that would assert the strength of this community in the “real world” of America.
