Advice For Someone Considering Hair Styles For Women at 50


Fashionable hair styles for women at 50 combine the tried and true with the new. Many of the styles popular at this age are the result of trial and error, because the fashion industry always changes what is popular. But these fashions can be surprisingly enduring, even after fifty years. Here are five of the best.

The 1950s hairstyle for women usually featured layers of varying lengths, all of which had multiple advantages. For one, the layers gave a bit of extra volume, creating a more youthful appearance. However, layers also complimented the New Look fashion group in 1947 by featuring shorter, tighter, and usually required less work than longer hair waves, pin curls, or roll-offs of the previous years. Women also flocked to the hair salons each week for weekly styling, but as soon as the hair styles for women at 50 changed, so did the popular short bob, which was often paired with the ever-popular pixie cuts and the ever-popular French twist.

Any advice for someone considering it would have to include the benefits of the straight cut. Although this haircut started as a way to benefit those with oval faces, people of every face shape can enjoy one, as long as they have relatively flat hair. This is because the center of attraction for this style is the center part, which falls on the top of the forehead, rather than on the sides. In fact, anyone with a square face shape should consider getting the buzz cut, as this would make their face appear less wide. Women with long faces would do well to opt for the side swept bang, as this would suit them perfectly, without causing any imbalance in their features.
