Adriana Prado


Adriana Prado is a dancer, singer, actress and writer that have been successful in both her personal and professional life. Born in Quito, Ecuador she enjoyed a successful career in both singing and acting before moving to Hollywood where she appeared in such films as Vanilla Sky and Happy Gilmore. Recently, Adriana has established herself as a fashion commentator on TV dating and fashion.

In her first appearance on A Date With A Friend, she had the honor of being featured as the only woman. Despite being so tall (5ft 11ins) she has an extremely attractive physical appearance and like many of the women featured in this show she looks sizzling with energy and zest. In the film she is described as looking like the dancer Estrella Braza, which made us think of her as a great Estrella Braza look. She seems to have the face of a model and has the face of a petite blonde. This article uncovers the mystery surrounding the make-up of Adriana Prado and reveals how she has transformed herself into one.

When Adriana Prado was young she was always told she would be an artist, and she certainly has the gift for the artistic. At the age of twelve she was studying art in her own country of Brazil, but it was not long before she decided to try and enter contests around the world for contests including the Miss World Competition. It is clear from her TV shows and articles that at the age of twenty she has completely mastered the art of projecting an inner beauty while projecting the outer beauty. This article aims to unmask the glamour behind the image created by Adriana Prado, and reveal how she uses her natural beauty to her advantage in order to succeed in her chosen profession.
