Adriana Pino – Height Question


Recently, Adriana Pino, a contestant on the reality television show “The New World” was fired from her job as an exotic dancer after posting an online-dating profile that contained some remarks about her height. She claimed to be 6 feet in height and was dating a man thirty-five years old. Pino maintained that she has always been a modest person and never boasted of her height in those posts, nor did she discuss her marital status or ask for someone to taller her. The online website, in which she posted the pictures showed pictures of her with a man at a restaurant, another with her on her knees and another one in a swimsuit. Pino maintains that the pictures were taken at different times and in different places.

Height is a matter of personal opinion and there is no scientific evidence to prove whether someone is over or under six feet. A person’s height can affect their confidence and self-esteem. People who feel tall are more outgoing and successful in life, whereas those who feel short are introverted and have lower career success. There are various reasons for the variation in height for men and women. Genes play a part by increasing the length of the body during the pubescent stage, but there are also certain factors which can cause the height difference.

Height or mid-level height for an individual can be a great advantage when it comes to finding your ideal partner or when you are looking for a job, as many employers prefer to hire individuals who maintain a professional appearance. However, being shorter than most people can also be a disadvantage, especially if you have not established yourself in your chosen profession early on. Many attractive young people have had to deal with rumors and gossip when they were younger which often brought them down in the public eye, causing them to lose confidence and self-esteem. In the end, many of them finally turned to the Internet to try and find love elsewhere.
