Adriana Oliver


One of the most respected personalities in the modern day of television, Adriana Oliver has been given a very memorable role in FX’s “Fargo.” After a difficult childhood that left her with limited abilities, she was an unlikely success story, earning a doctorate and receiving many honors for her hard work. But in order to pursue her dream of being a surgeon, she had to quit her job as a teacher and pursue the doctorate in public health that was offered to her in order to complete her research in her field. Now that she is done with her education and her medical work, it is apparent that she wants to return to doing what she does best: work in her father’s medical practice, helping to save people’s lives. However, while doing so, she must work alongside her former college professor, Martin Mariotte, and his associate, Frank Furter, who also have their own long-standing personal and professional histories in their respective fields of study.

As Adriana and Martin work side by side in their respective offices, they are forced to work in synchronization with one another, even when one is ill or in need of help from the other one. As their relationship grows, both men come to recognize the value of Adriana’s talents as well as the value placed on loyalty within a partnership. When Martin is away on vacation, Frank steps up to fill in and prove to Adriana that he is still worthy of her time. As their friendship deepens, they begin to realize that they are more than just colleagues, but are deeply loyal to one another as well. Eventually, after realising what their past has brought them together, they realise that they are in love and have decided that they will be together forever.

The season three of” Fargo” features an excellent performance by Adriana Oliver, who easily captures the viewers’ imagination as she plays a smart and strong character. She displays immense knowledge and skill in her work as she plays a patient, yet caring, yet egotistical office worker. She has a clear connection to her Nationality, as she is able to understand both sides of her personality. Her height and nationality make her one of the most convincing characters that was seen on FX last year.
