Adriana Mockovnikova – A Short Piece on Her Career and Personal Life


The title of Adriana Mockoviakov’s first book, Age: Dispatches From an Age defying Woman is quite appropriate. Age is something we are continuously told we are, but it is not always easy to accept as it gradually ticks away at us. This book shows you how to be your best without necessarily losing your individuality or the beauty of youth. She takes on a cultural and nationalistic view of life and how it affects our personal choices. She looks at Russian women in a modern light, considering their opinions and their circumstances more than those of her time. I personally found this to be a refreshing read that made you think about your own life, and it may appeal to some as well.

Age: Dispatches From an Age Defying Woman covers several aspects of life from both her Russian viewpoint and ours. She views life from the perspective of being Russian and how this has influenced her personal choices and even those of her family. While her work as a writer may have influenced those of her own generation, it also showed me how much the perspective of a woman has changed over the decades. In fact, while she has grown physically, her spirit has also carried on. Her message is one of personal determination to keep going in spite of everything and to believe that each challenge offers opportunities for growth, learning, and happiness.

Nationality is another topic that Adriana covers in depth. While I was in her country of Belorussian Sibir, some of my friends were actually asked to speak English, a language they didn’t even know. And while I was with them I realized just how many young people there were that didn’t even know how to write simple notes! This certainly showed the lack of importance many Russian ladies place in looking good, and I’m sure it also contributes to the reason that there are so many beauty products being advertised all over the world these days. But in spite of beauty being necessary, there is more than just vanity in the way that Adriana Mockovnikova wears her hair. She shows just enough elegance and personality to make you remember why you fell in love with her in the first place.
