Adriana Eskenazi Has Been Called Many Different Nations Before Settling Down With A Job As A Nurse


Adriana Eskenazi is a celebrity from the reality television show The World Next Door. She rose to fame after she was discovered on one of the final shows of the show, which was a show about finding a new country for yourself. The show chronicles the different countries and their people for ten years as they try to find a new home for themselves and their family. And since Adriana became a celebrity through that show, she has several different nationalities in the United States.

The first nationality she identified was American since she was born and raised in the state. However, she identifies as a Nigerian too, which is her birth nation. Then there is another nationality called Kazakhstan and she claims to have lived in both those. Her last name is Eskenazi, which means sun and she has chosen this profession as her last name because of her connection to the sun. So what type of occupation did Adriana Eskenazi do all her life and how did she choose her career?

One of the things she did as a professional is that she went into the modeling industry. She is a tall model who stands at over six feet and weighs around 180 pounds. And she claims to have been a top model as well as an action model for some of the most famous names in Hollywood. Adriana Eskenazi has claimed that she has gone to many different nationalities before finally settling down with a job as a nurse. The interesting part about this is that she claims to have lived in California all her life and yet she still calls herself Kazakhstan even though her passport says otherwise.
