Adriana Consuelos, The Teenager With A Spanish Name Who Was Born in the United States – Is She Illegal?


Adriana Consuelos was born in Greenville, Mississippi. Her mother, Josefa Cepero, was a maid of honor. Her father, Orlando Consuelo, worked as an import/export officer for the U.S. Department of Commerce. The family lived in Greenville for about ten years. Consuelo claims to have been adopted at birth by an unknown man.

Adriana Consuelos currently works as a mortgage broker in Greenville. Her birthday is May 2. Her naturalization papers were obtained from the American Consulate in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. Her passport number is 3525 runes. According to her immigration records, she is an American citizen by birth.

Adriana Consuelos’ real estate broker license is active. On the day of her wedding, she presented the marriage certificate to Agent Michael Simmers. Her name is also spelled as Adriana Maria Simmers in several online sources. There is no birth date listed for this woman. of eighteen, she will need to undergo a comprehensive citizenship exam. | nationality | legal | age} On the other hand, Adriana’s lawyers say that there was nothing illegal about her marriage, because she had already reached the age of majority and thus qualified to apply for citizenship in the Dominican Republic. Regardless of what her exact legal status was under the Dominican Republic law, she became a U.S. citizen, at the same time as her marriage. This does not change the fact that her marriage was not legal, because it violates U.S. immigration law. (This is another reason why immigration lawyers advise you not to even consider marrying someone without a marriage certificate.)

Because Adriana’s lawyers are not knowledgeable about U.S. law, there is a chance that this could be a case that could go to court. They say that they cannot discuss the matter with media without having first contacted their client. We can’t be sure what happened to Adriana at her birth, but it does look like fraud. This is why it is important to have a lawyer look at any documentation you have concerning her life before you sign any papers.

So what does all this mean for Adriana? If she is telling the truth, she is probably in deep trouble. While we don’t know what Adriana was doing with her birth date, her lawyers say that they have evidence that she was, in fact, trying to steal money. In order to avoid a conviction for identity theft, it would be necessary for Adriana to provide the government with access to her birth certificate and passport, and an exact birth date. As it turns out, no such documents were available when Adriana went to apply for a green card, or any other immigration documentation. Adriana’s lawyers say that if this happens to you, it’s best to consult an immigration lawyer immediately to find out what your options are.
