Adriana Betancur – Heightened Popularity


Adriana Betancur is a twenty-two-year-old Colombian actress and model. She is the host for RCN Televisión s Muy Buenos Dias as replacement Laura Acuña. She has appeared in many popular Colombian soap operas including one with considerable popularity. Born in Medellin, she is of Hispanic decent and is thus not considered as an illegal immigrant despite the fact that she was born in Colombia and later became a naturalized US citizen.

Ms. Betancur is an excellent actress and hosts a popular night time soap opera called La casa de una romantica. It is common knowledge that Laura Acuña, who portrayed herself on such soap opera, had small stature and was often times criticized for her small height. Her fans grew to love her and respected her because of her polite and respectful manner. However, it seems that Ms. Acuña never wished to be confined to such a small height and this might be the reason for her increasing popularity. In fact, some people said that she modeled her looks on Betancur, who is of the same height.

Regardless of these controversies, Adriana Betancur has proven that she has the personality to take on any profession and surpass any age barrier. This is a woman who is mature beyond her years and has the looks of a beautiful young woman. Her acting skills are commendable but even her profession is commendable. We cannot overlook the fact that she is a dedicated, hardworking actress who is ready to take on any challenge and excel in any profession.
