Achieving Success In Her Profession


Lisa Frank was born in 1917 and grew up in segregated housing in segregated Texas. Her childhood was hard, and not only were her parents poor but the home she shared with two sisters was one of the very last places that she thought anyone would ever go. As a child, she always thought of herself as a princess, always grateful for any opportunity to be a part of something bigger than herself. At the age of 14, she developed the love of sewing and soon found her true calling in creating and designing clothing that was both functional and decorative for women of her time. When it came to men, Lisa Frank was nothing more than the pretty face on the box, but when it came to her own identity, she worked hard to perfect it and become the woman that every woman deserved to see behind the sewing machine.

When Lisa Frank was just twenty-one years old, in 1950, The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or EEOC, opened an investigation on whether or not Lisa Frank had discriminated against a fellow employee. After examining the case, the EEOC ruled in favor of Lisa Frank. This was the beginning of her long, impressive, and colorful career. Throughout her career, she continued to work in marketing, design, sales, and management in many companies and was always recognized for her contributions to each of them. In addition to her professional successes, Lisa Frank was also active in community affairs and volunteer work.

Over the years, Lisa Frank has achieved a great deal of success in her chosen field. She has been nominated for the Presidential Medal of Honor, the Connemara Diamond Award, the Ladies Professional of Science League plaque, and the Grand Master award. Additionally, she has served as a goodwill ambassador for the American Red Cross, has been a guest speaker at national conferences, and hosted numerous radio shows discussing issues concerning women in the workplace. All of this speaks to the true definition of what a woman can accomplish in her chosen professionโ€“she has overcome gender barriers to achieve tremendous success in her chosen profession.
