About Cynthia Slam


Cynthia Slam is known by her Nationality: Cynthia slur. The term Nationality refers to the genealogy of an individual and it’s derived from a French word “nat” and “iette”, which means “food”. So, Cynthia Slam may be a genealogy from the French Quarter of France or from England or even from America or from any other country but still her Nationality is still Nationality! It could be said that Cynthia Slam is a woman who was adopted and raised in the English speaking nation of England but her Nationality is English. Her birth nation is not specified in the dictionary. Her parents were both alive when she was listed in the census as a British subject hence the reason why Cynthia has so many British ancestors.

So, how old was Cynthia Slam when she was cast as the character of Jeannie in the Nationality series of the television show of the same name? She was fifty years old when the first season of the television show of the same name of her aired. When the second season of the show began, she was sixty-three years old. We can make out from this that there is no doubt that Cynthia Slam is a woman who is older than sixty-three years old, which is a mark of an aging Nationality in a way.

Another interesting fact about Cynthia Slam is that her height is 6 feet and three inches tall, which is a bit unusual for a woman of her age and profession. However, it is understandable that when you consider that the most common men in her line of work are not really taller than her, there is no need to exaggerate your height to please your love partner. Her height does not serve as a hindrance for her work as it tends to accentuate more on the beauty of her eyes and her talent in the art of public speaking. She has been nominated for an OBE (Oscar Bliss) and has won many awards for her various performances in film and theater.
