Aboard the Age Old Ship of Alora S. By Liana Jane Dorman


Alora Sa continues to surprise and captivate audiences with her engaging personality, captivating looks, and intriguing information about being a Pole/Alaska Native. Her stories and interviews are very revealing, but one of the most remarkable is about being part of an ethnic group which is considered a backwards occupation in North America. Born and raised in Alaska, Alora reveals her early childhood memories about life on the open sea in “Life is a Dream” and how the hard working pioneers made it to what is known as the “New World.” Although Alora has many roots from the traditional Aryan race, at the time of her birth, she was considered a member of an ethnic group that was technically considered backwards by the western world. This cultural misperception of Alora’s true identity as a Pole/Alaska Native contributed to the way her story was told throughout her life and continues to influence writers, artists, and even those who claim they know her true identity as Alora.

After developing a strong interest in the health and well being of animals, Alora decided to pursue a career as a veterinarian after a failed attempt at a career as a commercial cleaner. However, fate would have a different plan for Alora in the form of a diagnosis of lung cancer at the age of thirty-one. Although not expected to make it to adulthood, Alora’s determination to fight her cancer despite the odds and repeated treatments of chemotherapy seemed to win over doctors and surgeons around the country. Alora began a lifelong career as a veterinary technician, specializing in animal surgery, diagnosis, and treatment of a wide range of diseases. Although Alora is no longer able to practice her love of animals, she has remained active in the arena of animal rights, founding the Alora Foundation in 2021 to promote animal awareness and to further the cause of veterinary medicine in general.

In her role as a veterinary technician, Alora has learned the many responsibilities that come with such a job, including conducting veterinary research and studies on species unknown to Americans. As a result of her studies, Alora now has a very thorough understanding of the requirements of this profession and what Alora S. would need to accomplish her career goals. She attributes her success to her strong sense of humor and her commitment to her work. “I feel great knowing that even though I am older, I am still part of making the world a better place,” says Alora.
