A Woman Who Created herself


Tiffany Okafor is a Nationality Icon. She has transcended race and nationality to become an international celebrity. Born in New York City as Felicia Corriveau, she met her husband George Okafor on their first date. Following her marriage, they moved to Paris and George became a famous painter. Tiffany Okafor then managed to secure a position as an assistant to the acclaimed artist Pablo Picasso.

When World War II hit, the Okaforโ€™s career took a huge turn for the worse. She was deployed to the West and endured the brutality of the war in the concentration camps. But her determination to keep on living meant that after the war she returned to Paris and opened up her studio. From there, she served a number of other artists in the world of art including Kenneth Noland, Willy Ballberg and many others.

Following the end of the war, she retired to take on more responsibility. Following her retirement, she opened up her own boutique hotel and even launched her own line of fashion accessories. A highly creative woman, who had studied drawing and sculpture, she also made art sculptures and designs. Throughout her long and varied career, she never lost sight of her original artistic goals and remained committed to her craft throughout her life.
