A Unique Russian Name That Is Guaranteed To Work


Alena Bikkulova is currently the top-ranking woman in the world’s top sector. This woman had once been an employee of the world’s tallest steel building in Moscow and a successful entrepreneur in her own right. She has successfully established herself as one of the best personal speakers and business speakers in Russia, Europe and South America. Her many speaking engagements include helping entrepreneurs and individuals to create powerful business plans, public speaking to both large groups and small groups, high-profile speeches and even keynote speeches. What is most interesting about Alena Bikkulova is that she brings her real life experience to her business talks and presentations which make her very effective as a speaker.

Alena Bikkulova’s biggest strength is her great height which she was born with. Being taller than men gives you a certain kind of confidence and advantage in all your business talks and negotiations. Height difference alone will not make you successful in your business but adding some more skill set will definitely help in making you a valuable business partner. The main skill she possesses is in communication as she was able to successfully hold her own in interviews and one on one discussions as well as communicate with other people from different nationalities, races and religions. Even though being a Russian is not a guarantee for success in business, but with proper knowledge of Russian language and culture, you are on your way to become an excellent business partner.

In her own words, ‘Russians do believe in cooperation, but we are stronger than they are. Trust, faith and honesty will get you further than having tall mountains as your pillow.’ Being confident in your ability to talk to any type of people, regardless of nationality, race or religion will give you an edge over others and will allow you to strike a profitable relationship. In Alena Bikkulova’s case, a business partner that shares similar ideals as hers, she was able to overcome her height difference and become a successful business partner. Although there is no sure proof method to becoming successful in business, with a strong sense of commitment and belief in your capabilities, you can definitely achieve great success.
