A Summary of Caroline Jones’ Life


Caroline Jones, a British national and freelance writer of Christian novels; portrays herself as a “Christian woman who happens to be a tall woman.” While portraying herself as a “tall woman,” in reality Jones is 5′ 7″, well below the average height for an American woman. She was born in Britain but claims to have “always lived and died in the United Kingdom” despite her frequent travels to her birth country.

Jones does not reveal much about her early years or how she came to be so short in height; instead, she relies on her own words to describe her early love affair with her husband, a fellow British national. According to Jones, her “father had always been tall; in other words, he was very big.” Jones herself relates the tale of her “big, burly” father, who left her with her family as a child and never cared for his physical capabilities; however, he had always remained optimistic about his abilities as a novelist. His optimism about his ability to write kept him writing throughout his life, even after his death. It is his optimism that she has translated into words, in order to help people who doubt their own abilities.

While detailing her life, Jones reveals little about her actual occupation or profession; however, we do learn that she is an accomplished writer who has written over twenty-five books in her Christian novels category. This is corroborated by a brief biographical sketch of her early life in which she is described as a “book-loving parlor girl.” The only occupation that Jones mentions is a part-time writing position; however, it is unclear whether this is the same occupation as was previously described by Jones in her Christian novels. What is clear is that Jones’ description of her early life in Europe is one that places her in the context of a much older woman than the young women she is shown to be in the pages of her novels. Regardless, this portrayal is reinforced by the fact that Jones is portrayed as a “brilliant woman with big dreams who was taken in by the men she met” in her own words.
