A Short History of Tiffany Demarco


Tiffany Demarco was born in Havana, Cuba and grew up in the Lower East Side of New York City. At the age of sixteen, she enrolled in the Central Park Boys School, which was then called the Bronx Private School, for the first time. She soon became known as a top fashion model for top-tier companies such as Vogue and Vixen. Tiffany Demarco’s career spanned fourteen years, during which she was married twice and had four children.

One of Tiffany Demarco’s most well-known works is the song “Age is a Woman’s Guide,” from her album Notes from Tiffany Demarco. The song was a tribute to her mother, who was always there whenever her girl friend needed support when she was growing up, going through the teenage years and early adulthood. The song was heartfelt and romantic, as it was written about how Demarco’s own mother was always there to give her support. In the chorus, the words “I am an age-old woman, an old woman with a handkerchief in one hand/And I’m a poor victim of circumstances” are written to represent how Demarco’s mother raised her and supported her. According to Demarco’s own descriptions in interviews, her mother was a Puerto Rican American who had been born in Brooklyn, New York City. It was common for Puerto Ricans and people of other nationalities to use the term “poor” or “abby” to describe their background in these times.

After writing a series of best-selling albums for both her music and her design career, Tiffany Demarco decided to focus her efforts on being a professional woman. She was active for many years in the National Hispanic Media Association (Henna), which helps media professionals connect with Hispanic consumers and build professional relationships. Her networking efforts helped her secure a number of executive positions at prominent clothing companies. She currently serves as the Senior Vice President and Creative Director of communications for Burberry London. Demarco has also served for a number of years in the advertising department for Levi’s and currently works as a fashion director for the company.
