A Sales Manager Shares Her Advice On How To Get True Love


Valentina Salezzi is a thirty-three-year-old sales executive of Saks Fifth Avenue. The articles she writes about for Grant’s have brought forth many interesting points regarding women and their relationships with men. This is not a surprise to anyone, as the overwhelming majority of women are more concerned about their looks and less concerned about finding a good mate. As a result, men often take care of their looks before finding a partner and this often leaves many single women wondering what to do with their lives. Grant does a great job of outlining how these issues can be handled successfully and even provides a solution or two on his site. There are even dating tips that can help men overcome these dating setbacks.

As an example, one dating tip that he offers is for women to consider their nationalities when dating. While it may seem unimportant, Salezzi states that “tall, dark-skinned American women who wear long skirts and high heels have a difficult time finding common interests. Whereas dark-skinned Japanese or Chinese women might be more receptive to guys who are tall and stocky.” This may seem like a rather obvious observation, but it bears repeating. It is important for women to think about their nationalities when dating to avoid spending valuable time with someone who does not fit her personal ideal.

In conclusion, Valentina Salezzi has successfully provided sound advice on how to obtain true love by making sure that your dating efforts fit with your partner’s particular needs. She has also provided valuable insight into what makes a successful relationship and how to turn a dating encounter into a lifelong partnership. If you would like more information regarding relationship success or even dating tips, then visit the website by clicking the “Contact Me” link on the left hand navigation bar. You will then be able to send Valentina a private message or email and get an immediate response. By putting in the effort to become successful, you will be well on your way to finding true love.
