A Researcher and Marriage Counselor by Specializing in Nationality


Cynthia Linh is a Taiwan American National, who was able to achieve great success in the field of law with her achievements in the Taiwanese National Taiwan Relations Agency. Her expertise lies in understanding and facilitating cross-cultural harmonization and relationship building. As a result of this, she became a very popular figure in Taiwan and the people flocked to her for advice on marriage, love, family, divorce, adoption, and many other issues. In this article, I want to write about how Linh gained not only fame but also stature in the Taiwan community due to her successful efforts as a Taiwan-American National.

First, let me introduce myself. I am Taiwan-American living in the United States. I was raised in a conservative environment, so I searched for something that would help me cope with being Taiwanese in the United States, like an institution or a university that would accept my Nationality. I came across an interesting topic, Taiwan Nationality. It seems that in Taiwan, foreigners are encouraged to choose their nationality to match their nationality from other countries of origin, but there is no requirement for them to change their cultural associations in Taiwan.

From this, I proceeded to pursue a Master’s Degree in Counseling from an accredited university in Taiwan. Through this, I have been able to build my skills in relationship building and family therapy. As a result of this, I now run a successful counseling practice, which is also a Public Sector work. This profession requires me to be knowledgeable in the basic laws of Taiwan as well as work culture and relationships. Because of my background and education, I am qualified to serve as a Public Sector counselor at the Ministry of Health and Welfare in Taipei City.
