A Real Fashion Millionaire’s Guide to Nationality by Casey Geren


Casey Geren is a British fashion designer who has been at the forefront of high end British fashion. She has been married to Richard Gereminger since the mid-seventies and has two daughters. Her original creations have taken her from being a nobody to a very popular name, but in the past she has not been successful with marketing her work outside Britain and this has led to some criticism. While it is true that Nationality is not a big selling point for her clothing, there are other aspects of her work that have led to criticism.

Geren has never been one to hide her height, even when working in Europe she was frequently photographed standing next to models who were in their thirties or forties. She has never shied away from portraying larger framed women in her work and often managed to make them appear slimmer than they actually are. This helped her create a brand identity for herself as the quintessential svelte woman. Many people may find this a bit odd, but it is true that she has managed to transform herself into the archetypal “big woman” who is unabashedly beautiful. While many other designers would be loathe to take on such a bold image, Geren has made the change, embracing the new freedom to display her physique without feeling guilty about it. For many women, seeing pictures of themselves in magazines is far more empowering than reading articles about what they can do to make themselves look bigger.

There are many things to appreciate about Nationality, but perhaps the most important feature is how open Geren was about her height. She has said that being tall is an asset, something that helps her to be successful in her work and with her personal life. If people can accept the fact that they are not as tall as they might like to believe, then Nationality might be a very good choice for anyone who is struggling to feel comfortable with their size.
