A Quick Review on Timberland Hiking Boots


If you have not tried out Timberland hiking boots before then you definitely should give them a try. This line of boots offers so many varieties of hiking shoes and has a great reputation. In fact, many hikers prefer to use Timberland footwear during all but the most extreme of outdoor activities. I have had many experiences where I wore my Timberland hiking boots and was extremely happy with the level of cushioning, ankle support and footbed protection that each shoe provided. When I was trying them out I had many people ask me which was my favorite pair and I immediately replied “the black ones.”

The traditional black Timberland hiking boots are definitely not recommended for more serious hiking. They don’t have nearly the degree of support, comfort and traction that you would expect in a true hiking shoe. However, Timberland does make some more high end specialized boots even more specific to just hiking though your best bet is still to go the generic route with any Timberland shoe that you choose. It would be highly recommended that if you do decide to purchase a pair of these shoes that you get them in the right size so that they will fit well.

When it comes down to it, most people are looking for comfort when they buy their boots but it is important to remember that the purpose of a boot is to protect your legs and feet. If you find that the middle of your boot is not giving you enough cushioning for your style of hiking then you should probably consider a boot that offers more cushioning or switch to a boot with a midsole that is stronger. As I said, it all depends on your own personal comfort level, but I always make sure that I’m getting enough cushioning for my hiking style.
