A Professional Woman From Romania With A Height Of 5′ 4″


Romanian Nationality: Adriana Drenea was born in the Romanian province of Transylvania and is a famous Romanian singer, actress, and musician. She rose to fame when she appeared on the Romanian national television singing a song about love. Her appearance won her a number of admirers who offered to help her financially, which eventually made her famous in her own right. Adriana Drenea’s name comes from the words Adriana which means joy and riara which mean joyfulness.

Profession. Adriana Drenea has an impressive resume that would indicate her age at the moment she was born, however there is no way to validate this. Her birth date is estimated as October 16, 1970. Romanian law requires all citizens to disclose their exact age at the time of application for nationality. Adriana Drenea’s profile on MySpace indicates that she is thirty-three years old with a height of 5′ 4″.

Partner. Romanian law protects women’s right to live with the person (known as the spouse) who has acquired legal rights to life throughout their married life. Adriana Drenea’s partner is identified as Patrik Babi. Babi is described on the MySpace profile as a thirty-one-year-old man from Mihailovic, Romania.
