A Popular Superstar in the MMA


Valentina Carmona is a model and actress, famous for her many appearances on television. She has appeared in movies such as “Guess How Much I Love You”, “The Perfect Woman”, and more recently in the movie “Water World”. In her acting career, she has played opposite some of the most notable and beautiful actors in Hollywood, including James Bond and Charlie Sheen. Now that she is married to MMA fighter Nicky Minaj, she has decided to use her beauty and skills to promote an organization that offers women a chance to make a good living in MMA. But, how did she get to this point?

As one might expect, Carmona’s parents were not concerned about her professional career, or her looks, when she was growing up. Her father was a painter, and her mother was a talented singer, who were into the music industry. When she turned eleven, her father died, and her mom became a schoolteacher.

The death of her parents made Carmona incredibly sad, but she didn’t consider it a reason to stop pursuing her dream of becoming a professional MMA fighter. Instead, she trained every day with her father’s new set of weights and immersed herself in reading, writing, and dancing. When she was seventeen years old, she entered her first MMA tournament, which was held in hers in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She lost her first round, but won the next two, proving that even though she had lost her first fight, she was still a fighter.
