A Personal Review on Anna Tifu, the First Woman Performer in the Venetian Glass Studio


Anna Tifu is a thirty-two year-old classical violinist that has made a stellar international career. She is currently an endorser for Dolce and Gabbana and a performer with the Milan orchestra. She has also received numerous awards including twice winning the Best Classical Vocal Performance award at the Venice Festival of Literature 2021. She has also spent time with conductor Yo-Yo Ma and conductor Andres Segovia. Anna Tifu’s musical interests include cello, guitar, opera, choral, piano, and of course violin.

When Anna Tifu first started out with her music career she mainly focused on the fine arts. When she won the first prize at the Neuegrinden Music Prize it changed her life. From there she went on to perform with such artists as Yefim Botkin and Daniel Libeskind and has since then only focused on the Italian violin. Recently Tifu has been doing a lot of traveling as she has been able to gain exposure through her many concerts in different cities. This has allowed her to meet people that have an interest in music all over the world.

If you like classical music and understand the fine art of violin, you will definitely want to take notice of what Anna Tifu has been doing. Her performances are truly amazing and if you pay attention to each and every detail, you can learn to play quite well. Not only is she an impressive violinist, but she has also trained as a conductor as well. If you don’t care for classical music and would like something that is a little bit more modern, there is no better choice than Anna Tifu. I am sure that you will be mesmerized by her performances and want to learn more about the violin and all of the remarkable women that have influenced its development.
