A Personal Brand – By Anna Koliadych


After an inspiring talk about nationality and identity at a recent bookstore workshop on American Indian Art, Anna Koliadych came home with a collection of her most inspirational and encouraging essays and images on her personal and national experiences. Watercolor paintings by Anna Koliadych are a joy to collect because they allow you to see art in a completely different way. Rather than viewing art in the traditional terms of scale, color, and form, the work she creates is a collage of her impressions, her memories. Her work defies categorization and because of this, she continues to find new ways of sharing her personal experiences through her artwork. Each piece is an individual creation that honors her culture and her people while also allowing you, the viewer, the opportunity to participate in a kind of sharing of individual artistic creation.

Watercolor painting by Anna Koliadych is a fast and easy way to create a lasting impression on your decor. With this exciting set of simple, step by step instructions, revealing your inner creativity with watercolours has never been so easy. Follow Anna Koliadych’s simple instructions as she guides you through painting your first few watercolours, from creating your basic outline to choosing and mixing your colours. As Anna Koliadych explains, “The main thing that I wanted to achieve with these watercolours was to make something that would last and be with me for years.”

From the moment you open this publication, you’ll notice that Anna Koliadych is committed to sharing her personal creative way with her audience. Her essays are clear and easy to understand, painting a picture of the everyday world we live in. Each page is filled with interesting information about a specific subject. One article describes the art of producing a business card in a way that it can actually be enjoyed instead of merely putting it down to memory. Another discusses the way one can use their talent in an artistic way, using their “creative muscles” to help others. These intriguing articles give an inside look into the world of Anna Koliadych and her mission is to show that anyone can paint beautiful works of art, no matter what skill or training they may have.
