A New Podcast Offers Parents and Caregivers an Alternative Parenting Style


Adele Jarrett-Kerr is a former journalist who is now a professional blogger, podcaster and writer on personal and spiritual living. Originally from Trinidad and Tobago, she currently resides in Cornwall where she makes organic vegetable gardens and runs a spiritual wellness centre. Her most recent book, co-authored with her husband, Jack Canfield, is called, A Year of Compassion: How to Live From Every Difference in Life (The Agony and the Ecstasy of Everydayness). In this book, Jarrett-Kerr shares about her childhood experiences and how these shaped her professional and spiritual growth.

The Adele Jarrett-Kerr family has been raising funds for a national home educating curriculum, which they call the Pathfinders Learning Centre. This will launch in the spring of 2021 and is designed to be a national model of home educating. In the past, the family has worked with other families in the area of public and private schooling, as well as the development and implementation of after school programs and parent workshops. In addition to offering learning and development opportunities for children, the centre will also work to connect parents and families by allowing them to experience parenting and learning from one another. As part of the Pathfinders learning centre, the podcast, A Year of Compassion, will feature a monthly discussion between Adele and her partner Jack Canfield, as well as other parents from across Canada and the United States.

Recently, Adele Jarrett-Kerr was featured on the Oprah show. In this episode, Oprah asked the couple if they would be open to being “revoluted” so that the host could host a show about caring for children in a manner that does not include a lot of yelling, as that is often the way many families with troubled teens tend to treat the issue. The couple readily agreed to this request and revealed that they have been having some very successful results with their efforts. Their extensive conversations on the importance of listening and being compassionate led to the creation of the podcast A Year of Compassion as a way for them to continue to share their experiences and their ideas for caring for children in a more compassionate way.
