A Nationality Blog About Adriana Schaps


Some people like Nationality, some like height and some like beauty. There are Adriana Schaps and partner from Spain that exemplifies both of these. She has made herself quite clear in the various online publications as being a lover of Nationality, at least since this past summer when she posted photos of herself, on Nationality, with her friend. This, many believe, is what launched her career into Nationality blogging.

Schaps’ other interests include height and Nationality. She has shared in the Nationality blog about her love of Nationality, with pictures showing her with other people who might be considered “half National” or perhaps even full-blooded. Her Nationality blog also features a photo essay of her relationship with Peter, a former student of hers in the University of Reading, and how the two of them later fell in love. This may have been one of the reasons Peter ended up dating Adriana. A romantic story that involves height and Nationality, could very well explain why Peter dated Adriana: perhaps that is what is so unique about Adriana and why there is a Nationality blog about her.

Height and Nationality are not the only things that Adriana talks about on her Nationality blog, though. In one post, for example, she discusses the challenges involved with being a woman, and woman of certain ages, in a man’s world, even if one is committed to his partner. She discusses how being a woman in his world can make him uncomfortable and even cause him to be unfaithful: thus, motivating her to take steps to overcome her shyness and become a more open, honest woman. It makes the Nationality blog all the more interesting and appealing as a Nationality lover and a woman looking for love, since Adriana gives helpful advice that can save your relationship, even though it may be one that is built upon deep cultural differences.
