A Look at Fernanda Galindo’s Love Story


Fernanda Galindo is a thirty eight-year-old Brazilian woman who has been married to her husband since 1998. She has always been committed to her profession and has always studied, in addition to, taken classes regarding the legal system and the business world. As a professional, Fernanda has spent a lot of time in Washington D.C. as an intern for Senator Ted Kennedy and as a secretary for Majority Leader Bob Dasch. This is where she first met Senator John Edwards and her husband, whom she currently serves as a consultant. During the course of their marriage, Fernanda developed a deep and lasting love for Mr. Edwards.

She attributes much of her success as being the result of being with a very supportive man. During the duration of their marriage, however, it became increasingly difficult for Fernanda to maintain her youthful appearance. As she got older, it became obvious that her age and physical condition prevented her from enjoying many of the sports and other activities that she had enjoyed throughout her life. In addition, throughout the duration of the marriage, she discovered that her career suffered somewhat due to stress-related issues, especially when it came to trying to balance her career and her family life. Consequently, as a way to increase her level of happiness, she decided to look into getting herself treated for breast cancer, as well as for the surgery that would eliminate her breasts.

In the months prior to the wedding, Fernanda Galindo had been feeling increasingly better about her health, despite the fact that she still carried the outward signs of aging. On the day of the wedding, however, all of those positive feelings were suddenly abruptly replaced with intense fear. On the day of the ceremony, Fernanda Galindo collapsed, has experienced such a severe heart attack that her doctor actually had to hold her back from treating Senator John Edwards during his audit of her background. Once the emergency department arrived, they quickly determined that Fernanda had indeed experienced a major heart attack. Within a few days, however, Fernanda was able to report that her marriage was still intact, and that her cancer was in remission.
