A Look at Clare Umberger’s Career and Recent Book Release


Clare Umberger is a former Miss Universe, and currently a popular author and talk show host in the United States. She has a Bachelor’s degree in communications from the University of Southern California, a master’s degree in public relations from the University of Southern California, and an MBA from the University of Southern California. While in college she interned with Access Graphics, a legendary company that have since folded, and also worked as a receptionist, a copywriter, a reporter, and a marketing executive in the fashion industry. Since then she has spent a large amount of time traveling the world, speaking at various think tanks, and contributing to the online Think Tanks that are available on the Internet. As far as her occupation is concerned, she is a traveling writer, speaker, consultant, and freelancer, often working as a freelancer through Internet intermediaries such as Elance and oDesk. The fact that she can maintain a ten-figure salary while working only three or four hours a week is a clear indication of her success in her chosen profession.

In terms of her professional success, she notes that it all began when she decided to “write about [her] self instead of being a writer.” Through various Internet intermediaries she was able to attract readers who were interested in what she had to say, and through that she gradually built up a loyal following who has remained loyal throughout her career. Her unique selling point as an expert in relationships, personal growth, and even infidelity, are that she is not primarily a “survivor” of marriage failure. Instead she portrays herself as someone who navigated this painful experience, and who found herself able to overcome the obstacles that stood in her way.

After successfully surviving the marriage down through the ages, Clare Umberger turned her focus to helping other women deal with the same obstacles that she endured. Through The Marriage Builder, she shares the journey she made through life after marriage with readers and gives them hope by showing them that they can triumph over adversity. She encourages women to “keep going” despite the obstacles that face them, and that by taking the time to nurture their relationships they will emerge victorious. The Marriage Builder is a helpful guide for all those who have been in a similar situation-and is written for both female and male readers who are in search of direction.
