A Lawyer Sued for Not Keeping Her Partner Up to Date Over a Decade-Long Lawsuit


The Nationality, or indeed the lack thereof, of Kate Compton has been in the news recently. Ms Compton has come under fire for apparently converting to Islam. This controversy comes at a time when the Government and Preventing Obvious Activities Act has been put into place to ban people from being Nationalistically charged and indeed the use of Nationality to apply for work. In Kate’s case it is alleged that she converted to Islam while working as an Accounts Clerk at Bank of England. It is claimed that she failed to disclose her conversion when she applied for a job with the bank, and subsequently was made redundant.

Although Kate has accepted a separation of amicable agreement, the marriage itself is currently suspended while the Employment Tribunal carries out its investigations. It is important to be honest about one’s Nationality when applying for work or before embarking on any new legal relationship, as this can have a massive impact on a future career. If a Nationality is not disclosed at the right time then it may be seen as a dishonest tactic by an employer or even a spouse trying to keep something extra out of a divorce settlement should there ever be one. The risks far outweigh the benefits when Nationality is brought into the mix and a Nationality is often the deciding factor as to whether or not a person is allowed to get married.

It seems that Kate was no closer to settling into her role at Bank of England than she had been when she first took up employment. She certainly seemed to be having some difficulty in meeting the demands of her role, which in itself was proving somewhat difficult. It would seem that this problem was related to the fact that Kate was Nationality aged and therefore required additional consideration on her part when interviewing for jobs. It is important to state that this problem is only likely to become more widespread in the field of banking over the next few years as more young people seek to follow their career path rather than having to compromise on their family values. However, it is important for such young people to remember that their partner will most likely be much older than they are, and so any commitment made should be carefully considered and respected, particularly in a work environment where Nationality is an issue.
