A Height Revolution by Marianna Chalkiadaki


Marianna Chalkiadaki, the writer and activist of “horizontally”, is very passionate about the struggle for social change, and she would have us believe that we can all become an agent of change in our society. Her latest book, which was published by Verso, is a primer on the notion of nationality, and she advocates that all humans are equal regardless of race, nationality or gender. Her new book does not advocate for violence against those who espouse opposing views, as she states at the beginning of her book. In fact, her main focus is to prove that individual choices can affect both your public and private life, and your relationships.

Marianna Chalkiadaki is now exploring personal growth as an international student and a writer. She has lived and studied in the United States, England and Scotland. Her personal experiences have given her the ability to articulate certain ideas on race, nationality and personal growth issues. She also has the intelligence and compassion to understand how her ideas have been politically exploited by certain elements of the media, as well as how those same elements have tried to dismantle the ideals she stands for through manipulative means. What makes her books so important is her ability to use her knowledge to address critical issues affecting us all. It is her strong convictions that the human race should be allowed a future, and she hopes that by writing and publishing these books, she is able to help us make that future.

In this book, Chalkiadaki looks at different aspects of her relationship with her partner, height. Her discoveries have helped her understand their position and, as a result, how they may benefit from being taller. It was after reading “The Benefits of Being Tall” that she decided to write about the importance of being tall in public life. This book is not only a primer on public perceptions regarding height, but it provides tools that anyone can use to overcome social and psychological barriers to success.
