A Height Difference That Affects Sandra Martens


Sandra Martens is a model that has appeared in some very popular television shows and movies. In some of her more recent roles, she has played characters that are a bit taller than average. She has appeared in the TV series “Romantically Challenged” as a character who has been invited to a party by her college professor. While at the party, Sandra is seen wearing glasses that are very much shorter than her actual height. This character has been portrayed in several different episodes, with the season ending on a high note as she stands up to her taller date and wins the evening.

As a professional in the modeling industry, Sandra Martens is well known for being one of the few models who has thrived in spite of being considered slightly over the top in height. She began her career in the business in the nineteen seventies, as a tiny six foot three inch newcomer, and has since then been able to maintain a good body size. Being a tall woman in the modeling world can be a bit of a challenge. It has been said that many models consider themselves “underweight”, because their bodies have not maintained their physical appearance after years of being extremely tall.

Despite being one of the best performers on both the “Romantically Challenged” and “Heroes” series, Sandra Martens still finds herself struggling with her height difference. Even though it may not affect her ability to perform, there are many people who have commented on her height issues, and will no doubt be affected by them. In an industry that considers itself very fit and athletic, there is no question that the height difference between Sandra Martens and her partner, Cicely Thompson, affects how her fans see her. Hopefully, the constant attention that she has garnered over the years will continue for another twenty years, but in the meantime, she will have to overcome her short height problem with determination and with love.
